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(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, one of my favorite games. Thank you so much for making it! There is no one for iOS, but now I can play in browser.

It would be nice to have an option to play against a 'computer'. I understand it is a big deal to implement a game tree. But there are simpler ways. For example, if 'computer' never (expert) or sometimes (advanced) or often (novice) gets in the positions described in wikipedia or in it will be a decent opponent.

Glad to read that!

Well, we actually did this project to study how to implement an AI using Prolog, and now that we've done that, I think it will be easier to add it to the game!

By the way, thanks for your recommendation, this looks like a very interesting book!



Thanks for making this. I can't remember what this game is called, do you know?

Also, may I recommend saying "Red Player" / "Blue Player" instead of Player 1 and Player 2? When I first tried to play, I assumed I was blue, and I had to find out through experimentation which player was going first.


Also, would you mind enabling the full-screen feature?


Thanks for your feedback :D
Indeed, your suggestions are really good!

The game is officially called L game (pretty creative, right?).
Here's Wikipedia official page if want to see more: